The Truth Behind the Headlines
EuroTempest Storm and Flood Alerts provide management teams with the earliest and most reliable warning of impending events. Based on a range of weather forecast models which are continually monitored by our meteorologists, automatic alerts are issued if we detect conditions across the UK or Europe which are likely to affect you. So if an event is going to impact your business, we know about it first. And if it is NOT going to impact your business, we know that first too.

Be Proactive Not Reactive
EuroTempest’s Operational Forecasts are unique in providing clients with a quantitative estimate of the impact that serious weather conditions will have on their business. As an example, our insurance impact forecasts are provided up to 5 days ahead of a developing condition and indicate the timing, expected number, location and cost of insurance claims. For major events these forecasts are critical in helping senior management determine the resource implications, helping the team get ahead of the game and enabling them to support customers more effectively. In the UK our Loss/Claims Forecasts now cover 6 million properties with a total sum insured of £1trn, representing around 40% of the UK market.
Advanced Warnings
The EuroTempest Flood Risk Alert Service is designed specifically for the insurance sector and provides operational teams with advanced notice of serious flooding events. Based on the company’s proprietary models, coupled with data from agencies across the UK, the service provides early warning of locations at risk of flooding, up to 5 days ahead.
The alerts are based on the EuroTempest Flood Risk Index which is calculated daily based on developing conditions, taking into account insurance exposure. As a result the Flood Risk Alerts provide the most relevant and reliable warnings to the industry, giving insurers the opportunity to prepare their response and put in place mitigating measures.

Real-time Updates on Developing Flood Conditions
The EuroTempest Flood Forecast Dashboard has been developed to give operational teams the best live data on where flooding is likely to occur across the UK. It brings together, in one location, all the information needed to form a view and take decisions. As well as providing a high-resolution forecast of where flood damage is likely to occur it also shows minute-by-minute updates on the situation during ongoing flooding so that operational teams can understand when conditions might improve sufficiently for clean-up operations and repairs to begin. Click here for more information.
Forecasting Hurricanes, Typhoons and Cyclones
Tropical Storm Risk, delivered by EuroTempest, has been providing alerts and forecasts for the insurance, humanitarian, energy, finance and maritime sectors since 2000. Using proprietary algorithms TSR produces real-time, forecast and post-event footprints for major events around the world, with unrivalled accuracy. The probabilistic windfields are used by insurers for calculating losses, by shipping companies for re-routing vessels and by governments and aid agencies for planning operations on the ground. For more information go to

Support Customers – Minimise Costs
As events unfold, claims and operations teams need accurate information so they can support their customers. For weather-related claims EuroTempest’s Weather Validation Tool is now helping some of the Europe’s biggest insurance providers to successfully deliver cost savings and business improvements. Our reference customers can testify to its ease-of-use and reliability. With its focus on comprehensive, factual and reliable data collected hourly from over 2,400 weather stations across Europe, the tool helps claims handlers make accurate and fair judgements based on available information. The web-based application is available as an independent desktop validation tool. Or it can be easily integrated with a claims management system, or as a component in an online processing scheme, via our API.
EuroTempest Ltd
90 Tottenham Court Road
Tel +44 (0)20 3745 1540